Friday, December 22, 2006

Sick.. as a dog.

So I was very unfortunate and got really ill. It was probably because I was Karokeing on a sore throat. Today I got a shot in the ass from a Thai nurse. They gave me tons of medicine for the next few days. It hurts when I swallow (Let the jokes begin). I went out with Sheryl a few nights ago and we got hammered of endless amounts of Heiniken. She even sang. My uncle Vitchit got drunk and started playing the drums. In Thailand, there's a live band that accompanies your singing. Sadly, I have no photos from that night. The band kept asking me to play and sing with them too--I think it's because I can sing American songs. I sang some Eagles. Mother fuckin' Eagles. And then I did some Tracy Chapman and some other crazy songs. I think one was Imagine by John Lennon. I was so hammered, the next day I threw up a bunch of times and my sore throat got worse. Today is our first full day here with Brad and Morgan. I am happy to report I'm on the mend and I'll be posting more photos soon. Monday we leave for Chiang Mai.

Here are Brad and Morgan in the Internet cafe.

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