Monday, September 09, 2013

Thailand in October

A lot has happened since my last post. My travel companion decided it was not the right time for her to go to Thailand, and my father had a stroke.

I'm going to Thailand in October! Also I will be helping a company I'm involved with search for talent to run our Bangkok branch--Uber Technologies, Inc.

We'll see how much trouble I get into.

I got my new passport and my plane tickets, and my friend Amanda will join me in late October, so there will definitely be some awesome stuff to post about!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Thailand in 2014 Announced

I'm going back to Thailand in 2014. It's going to be legen... (wait for it) dary.

Who's coming with me?

I've prepared a sample budget. The goal is $3,000 for a comfortable vacation in Thailand doing some awesome volunteer work and staying in some awesome places... riding elephants and playing with monkeys.

I think we can get away with going for as low as $2,000, and perhaps hustle cash while we are there, maybe have some credit cards just in case, but I think a safer number is $3,000 for the long trip in which, this time, we plan on visiting many countries instead of just Thailand, and thus will be spending a lot of time outside of the US.

I have one travel companion already geared up to go. I think it will be fun to go as a group again, so I'm lighting the beacon and will be sending this blog out to my friends.

Tuesday, January 01, 2013

So... I didn't get married.

Quick update, I didn't get married, and it's been a few years since I've been to Thailand. More updates soon.