Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Thailand in 2014 Announced

I'm going back to Thailand in 2014. It's going to be legen... (wait for it) dary.

Who's coming with me?

I've prepared a sample budget. The goal is $3,000 for a comfortable vacation in Thailand doing some awesome volunteer work and staying in some awesome places... riding elephants and playing with monkeys.

I think we can get away with going for as low as $2,000, and perhaps hustle cash while we are there, maybe have some credit cards just in case, but I think a safer number is $3,000 for the long trip in which, this time, we plan on visiting many countries instead of just Thailand, and thus will be spending a lot of time outside of the US.

I have one travel companion already geared up to go. I think it will be fun to go as a group again, so I'm lighting the beacon and will be sending this blog out to my friends.